all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 8BA 31 0 53.422846 -2.839878
L36 8BD 46 0 53.423616 -2.84036
L36 8DW 24 1 53.423425 -2.841921
L36 8BE 17 0 53.4245 -2.841145
L36 8BG 16 0 53.422818 -2.841247
L36 8BH 35 0 53.424331 -2.839577
L36 8BJ 14 11 53.424084 -2.837344
L36 8BL 7 1 53.42545 -2.841238
L36 8BN 21 0 53.424738 -2.836755
L36 8BP 12 0 53.426943 -2.833683
L36 8BQ 30 0 53.42353 -2.839696
L36 8BR 15 0 53.424616 -2.836166
L36 8BS 22 0 53.426014 -2.834207
L36 8BU 16 0 53.42496 -2.837151
L36 8BW 22 0 53.426455 -2.835359
L36 8BX 16 0 53.424474 -2.835832
L36 8BY 40 0 53.426433 -2.837285
L36 8BZ 43 0 53.426418 -2.836773
L36 8DA 10 0 53.424731 -2.837673
L36 8DB 2 2 53.427304 -2.839589